Thursday, May 6, 2010

Book Review -- Living the Creative Life

I just finished reading the book "Living the Creative Life" by Rice Freeman-Zachery.

When I first opened the book, I felt immediately intimidated by the artists featured. THESE are ARTISTS, I thought. What the heck am I?

First, their art is fantabulous. Exquisite, unique, and ground-breaking. Second, their studios are divine. Beautiful fabulous places that are portals to creative energy.

Then I started reading. In addition to information about the specific artists and what make them tick, the book offers little vignettes of wisdom that can actually be used -- things like immersing yourself in color by picking up paint samples of every color at the hardware store, or making a list for a day of all the things you saw, smelled, or heard.

(An abandoned bee hive I found... what will it trigger?)

This is the sort of book that you can pick up and put down as needed just as easily as you can read it cover to cover. It's a great book for any artist to have on hand to refer back to when they're having a stagnant time (that would be me right now!), and the visuals are just excellent.

Highly recommended! Click here to buy it on


  1. that sounds wonderful - 'artist' is such a loaded word and an intimidating one - i studied art history so an artist is a person of incredible talent... artist, artisan, craft person... how are these defined? i think what becomes really important is how one works - is it authentic to you? are you reaching and growing? you are doing these things and sharing along the way... whatever path you are on, or what label is chosen, you are becoming more 'you' and sharing your vision with others...

  2. What do you mean "what the heck am I"? Are you kidding me? You are a talented artist Lori and don't forget it! =)
    Thanks for letting us all know about this book - I'll have to check it out.

  3. Do you know, I was actually wondering about that book! Thanks for the review, definitely helps.

  4. It is too funny that you reviewed this book. I'm on a short retreat, and that's one of the few books I have with me. I really need to sit down and crack it open while I have a few minutes of quiet. Thanks for the review. :)

  5. Thanks for the recommendation. Looks like just the book I need!


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